Voiced from the Water

By far life’s journey has not been the easiest. I’ve lost some things along the way but gained perspective. With each new day, mercies are new. As I sit on the balcony on my final day here in Florida. I listen to the Atlantic ocean. It speaks to me: “Remember I created the living waters. Majestic and surrounded by beauty. There is also dangerous territory in the water if you can or cannot swim. Be ye ready for what may come. There is more to life than what your eyes can see. Far beyond the oceans floor and wider than the space of continuity in the water”
Abba Father,
I thank you for this journey. I am expecting my miracle through divine impartation. I am believing healing is my portion on today. I am grateful for your love. Everyone can’t understand my journey and I am ok with that. What matter’s most is His love covers me. #Imcomingout #winningseason #favor #faithoverfear

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Singer, songwriter, author, cancer survivor, motivational speaker, Lover of God.

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